Cara Menambah atau Install Tema/Theme dan Aplikasi di Blackberry

There are few users each day wondering how to install themes and applications on your BlackBerry. It is somewhat difficult to answer them all with great detail so I apologize if someone has been waiting for my answer. For them and for those who come for new users of BlackBerry devices is made this tutorial that if you step seguiis life a lot easier and you can easily install themes and applications for your account. In his day and did a tutorial on this subject but not others and remember to update it from time to time.

First and foremost I must say that there are basically two ways to install themes or applications on your BlackBerry, and I say basically because there are more ways but the process would no longer be "natural" for calling in some way but at the end of this post will also be listed. As I was saying there are two ways of installation:

OTA, which means Over The Air, which are files that can install directly from your device. OTA files have a. Jad or. Jar

Via ZIP archive that is downloaded to your PC first and then with the help of Desktop Manager to be installed in our BlackBerry. Files that are installed using Desktop Manager have a. Alx and. Cod

Installing themes or applications via OTA.

Step 1
The first thing you have to do is see that we have sufficient coverage in connecting our radio to use our BlackBerry browser. I know it sounds silly but in more than one case I've seen people who wanted to download via OTA without having data connection available.

Step 2
Election OTA file to download. We have said previously that it is valid for subjects to applications. In this case, and for this tutorial I have chosen an application called BBGPS Golf extracted from the mobile version of our website.

Step 3
If you look good, the selection of links available for downloading the application OTA places, ie Over The Air, and ZIP so we'll just have to click on the link that puts it over the air from our BlackBerry browser to download the file.

Step 4
In the next step to see the following screen where we provide all the information on the application or topic, such as application name, version, vendor, file size and description of it. Once on the download button pulseis start installing the software.

Step 5
Once installation is complete click OK and the process is complete.

Note: Some applications or themes may need a reset of the terminal to work properly.

Installing themes or ZIP applications.

As we said at the beginning of this post, installing applications or issues will require our BlackBerry Desktop Manager (free software that offers Rim for the installation of applications, synchronization and backup to our BlackBerry device), if do not have it or you have lost the CD that brings your BlackBerry can get the latest version here. Mac users can do it here.

Step 1
First choose the link to download. In this case we will do the same application that we installed via OTA. So the first step is to locate the link that says Via ZIP as we see in the screenshot.

Step 2
Once you click on the link to download the application must keep in our PC, so we mark the Save File and click on the OK button. I personally keep the files on the desktop of my PC to have them always at hand but the location can be anything.

Step 3
After downloading the file should look something like this. So double click on the zipped file and extract the files. Alx and. Cod as shown in the second image.

Step 4
Open the Desktop Manager that you already have installed on your PC and connect our BlackBerry. The appearance should look like this ...

Step 5
Then press the first icon in the upper left, where I said semitransparent orange. Called Application Loader or application loader and when it is pressed the following screen will appear.

On this screen press the Start button.

Step 6
Once you press the Start button will appear the list of applications that have installed on your device. Now we must add the. Alx we unzipped earlier. So click on the Browse button marked in orange on the screenshot below and look for the file. Alx file you downloaded earlier in the location where it was saved.

Step 7
Finally, and once we have selected the file. Alx (for the file. Cod no need to worry because it will install only, so no need to select it) click on the Next button and the installation will start automatically.

Step 8
Once you finish the installation process proceed to close the Desktop Manager and disconnect the BlackBerry and we will have our application or theme installed.

Note: Some applications and / or topics may require a device reset to work properly.

I said at the beginning of this tutorial that these were the two basic ways to install themes and / or applications on our BlackBerry devices but there are other ways to do something unorthodox, but that would be discussed in another entry.
^_^ senangnya bisa berbagi..

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